Volume One


The Science and Technology of Traditional and Modern Roofing Systems

by: Dr. H. Laaly

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Expanded Table of Contents


1) Introduction to Roofing p.6
2) Roofing Historyp.16
Roofing Technology - A Selected Chronologyp.13
Concluding Remarksp.1
References And Further Reading p.1
3) Roofing Material Properties and Production p.41
Wood Preservativesp.1
Wood Propertiesp.1
Wood Manufacturingp.1
Cement And Concretep.11
References And Further Readingp.6
4) Roofing Structure, Design and Detailsp.71
The Ultimate Rule in Roof Designp.2
Informative Designing p.1
Life-Cycle Costingp.1
Structural Load Designp.1
Elastic Deformationp.2
Wooden Roof Structurep.1
Structural Steel Designp.2
Roof Drainage Design Calculationsp.3
An Alternative School Of Thoughtp.2
Parapet Wall Structural Design Using Portland Cement Plasterp.2
Causes Of Roofing Failures p.1
Communicating Roofing Design p.1
Structural Considerations And Roof Decks p.1
Insulation p.1
Vapor Retardersp.1
Fire And Wind Considerations p.1
Earthquake-Resistant Roof Design p.1
Pest Infestation And Roof Design p.1
Residential Ceiling And Roof Framing p.1
Flat Roofs p.1
Pitched Roofs p.1
Framing the Roofp.6
Residential Flat Roof To Steep Roof Conversion p.3
Roof Construction Details p.4
Generic Details For Modified Bitumen p.1
Basic Flashing History and Guidelines p.1
Penetration Flashings p.1
Little Holesp.2
Collar Penetration Flashingp.3
Smaller Holes, Tougher Holesp.3
Where Penetration is Avoidedp.1
Overflow Scupper Penetrationsp.1
The Unflashable Penetrationp.2
Late Damagep.1
Expansion Joint Guidelinesp.1
The Overriding Flashing Considerationsp.4
References And Further Readingp.15
5) Roof Decksp.30
Roof Slopep.2
Recommendations for avoidance of defectsp.1
Dimensional stabilityp.1
Moisture Absorptionp.1
Moisture Proofingp.1
Anchorage and Attachmentp.1
Deck Surfacep.1
Adjoining Walls and Penetrationsp.1
Deck Types And Materials p.1
Wood Decksp.2
Wood Decks Cautionsp.1
Installing Plywood Sheatingp.1
Installing Tongue-and-Groove Board Sheathingp.1
Gypsum Board Decksp.1
Poured Or Sprayed Gypsum Concretep.1
Concrete Decksp.1
Lightweight Concretep.3
Structural Concretep.3
Metal Roof Decksp.4
Roof Deck Usep.1
References And Further Readingp.2
6) Barriers for Roofing Systemsp.43
Vapor-Retarding Barriersp.1
When to Use a Vapor Retarderp.2
How to Use Vapor Retardersp.1
High-Tech Vapor Barriers: Hygro Diode Membranesp.2
Computer Analysis & Vapor Barrier Use Parametersp.2
Understanding Air Barriersp.1
Using Air Barriers to Resist Roof Blow-Offs & Ballooningp.1
Ballooning and Delaminationp.1
Air/Vapor Barrier "Systems" -- Controlling Condensationp.2
Technics Air And Vapor Barriersp.17
Vapor Retarders and The Trouble with Vents p.1
When Venting Worksp.1
Using Vapor Barriers in Cold Storage Structuresp.1
Ultraviolet Radiation Barriersp.1
UV Radiation, Oxygen, and Temperaturep.1
Noise Barriers p.2
Walkways And Decking As Wear Barriers And Protecting Layersp.2
Barrier Manufacturers And Suppliersp.1
References And Further Readingp.2
7) Thermal Insulationp.100
Introductionp. 1
Roof-to-wall ratiosp. 1
potential Problems With Insulation?p. 1
Definitions And Theory Of Thermal Inertiap. 4
physical And Chemical Properties Of Thermal Insulationp. 1
Thermal Insulation Materialsp. 1
physical Structure And Thermal Conductivityp. 1
Environment And Thermal Conductivityp. 1
Moisture And Thermal Conductivityp. 1
Chemistry Of Polyurethans And Isocyanatesp. 1
Historyp. 2
Composition Of Polyurethanep. 1
Testing And Evaluation Studies Of Thermal Insulationp. 9
Recent Studies On Thermal Insulation - An Overviewp. 10
Thermal Driftp. 1
Too Much Insulation?p. 1
Rigid Insulation Boardsp. 1
Cellular Glass Insulationp. 1
Fiberglass Roof Insulationp. 1
perlite/Vermiculite Boardp. 1
phenolic Foam - phenol-formaldehyde (pf) resinp. 1
polystyrene Bead Board, Expanded Polystyrene (EPS)p. 1
polystyrene Extruded Foam Boardp. 1
Urethane/Isocyanurate Foamsp. 1
Wood Fiberboardp. 3
Composite Thermal Insulationp. 2
Facings p. 2
Composite Roofing Systems p. 1
Thermal Insulation In Home Construction p. 1
Loose Insulation p. 1
Cellulosic Fiber p. 1
Glass Fiber p. 2
Mineral Fiber p. 1
Coverage p. 1
Thermal Characteristics p. 1
Moisture Absorption p. 1
Application p. 2
Unfloored attics p. 1
Floored attics p. 1
Attic walls and slopes p. 1
Spray-On Insulation p. 1
Cellulosic Spray p. 1
Mineral Wool Spray p. 1
Cementitious Spray p. 1
Application of Spray-On Insulation p. 2
Spray-On Insulation Adhesives p. 1
Batt And Blanket Insulation p. 2
Thermal Insulation by Design p. 1
Urea-Formaldehyde Insulation p. 1
Epoxy Foams p. 1
Tapered Insulations p. 6
Rooftop Pipes Require Insulation Too p. 5
References And Further Reading p. 1
Calculating Insulation Values p. 6
polyurethane Publications p. 1
Insulation; Rigid; Uffi p. 1
Insulation; Rigid; Phenolic, Cellular p. 1
Insulation; Glass Fiber p. 1
Insulation; Rigid Board p. 6
Insulation; Rigid; Expanded Polystyrene p. 1
Insulation; Rigid; Extruded Polystyrene p. 1
Insulation; Loose Or Sprayed p. 3
Insulation Testing And Standards p. 2
Moisture & Insulation p. 2
Insulation; General Papers On p. 3
8) Thatched Roofing p. 28
Introduction p. 1
Brief History Of Thatching p. 1
Materials p. 1
Characteristics Of Thatch p. 2
Application p. 1
Thatching Tools p. 1
Fixing Hardware p. 1
General Specifications p. 2
Design Considerations p. 1
Specifications p. 1
Details at Eaves p. 1
Gabled Ends p. 1
Ridges p. 1
Ridge Cap p. 1
Integral Roof Surface Decoration p. 1
Hips p. 1
Valleys p. 1
Flashing p. 1
Sedge Aprons p. 1
Vent Stacks p. 1
Attic Venting p. 1
Chimneys p. 1
Architectural Details p. 1
Deck Construction And Underlayment Details p. 1
Thatch Treated Class-C Roofing System p. 1
Sheathing p. 1
Underlayment p. 1
Sub-battens p. 1
Horizontal Battens p. 1
Arris Board p. 1
Thatch Treated Class-A Roofing System p. 1
Supply And Installation Responsibilities p. 1
Workmanship p. 1
Thatching p. 1
Chimney Stacks p. 1
Hips p. 1
Valleys p. 1
Verges p. 1
Ridges p. 1
Fire Hazard p. 1
preventive Measures p. 1
Reduction of Combustibility p. 1
Fire Fighting Facilities p. 1
Generally p. 1
Rainwater Disposal p. 1
Durability p. 1
Maintenance p. 1
Compliance p. 1
Fire Test p. 1
Wind Test p. 1
Thermal Insulation Test p. 1
pricing Guidelinesp. 6
References And Further Reading p. 1
9) Slate Roofing p. 15
Introduction p. 1
Slating is a Skillful Trade p. 1
Chemistry, Grades, Standards And Testing p. 1
Slate Grades p. 1
Standards p. 1
Testing p. 2
Slate Colors And Geographical Sources p. 1
Slate Sizes And Weights p. 1
Applicationp. 1
Fastening p. 1
Felts (Underlayments) p. 1
Tools p. 1
Slate Cutter p. 1
Slate Hammer p. 1
Slate Ripper p. 5
References And Further Reading p. 1
10) Wood Shingles and Shake Roofing p. 40
Introductionp. 1
The Red Cedar Shingle & Handsplit Shake Bureaup. 1
Red Cedarp. 1
Certigrade® Red Cedar Shinglesp. 1
Certi-Split® Red Cedar Shakesp. 1
Fire Rated Red Cedar Shingles and Shakesp. 1
If It Works, Don'T Fix It.p. 1
General Design Detailsp. 1
Sheathingp. 1
Shinglesp. 1
Shakesp. 1
General Application Detailsp. 1
Shingle Application p. 1
Shake Application p. 1
Mansard Roof Details p. 2
Low Slope Roof Details p. 1
Hip And Ridge Details p. 1
Roof Juncture Details p. 1
Convex Juncture p. 1
Concave Juncture p. 1
Apex Juncture p. 1
Swept or Bell Eave p. 1
Roof Valley Flashing Details p. 1
Valleys-Shingles p. 1
Valleys-Shakes p. 1
Roof Projection Flashing Details p. 1
Roof Fastener Guidelines p. 1
Nails p. 1
Staples p. 1
Ventilation Details p. 1
Vapor Barrier Guidelines p. 1
Specialty Roof Deck Details p. 1
Wood Deck p. 1
Nails p. 1
Rigid Insulation p. 1
Metal Deck p. 1
Cold Weather Roof System Details p. 2
Specification Guidelines p. 1
General Specification Data p. 1
Roof Application-Sheathing Boards p. 1
Roofing Felt Interlay (for shakes only) p. 1
Roofing General Application Data p. 1
Roofing, Shingles/Shakes, Miscellaneous Flashings p. 1
Hips and Ridges p. 1
Nails and Nailing Shingles/Shakes p. 1
Wood Fiber Shingles p. 1
Steam Bent Wood Shingles - "Thatch" p. 1
Shingle And Shake Problems p. 1
Importing Increases Cost p. 1
pre-Treatment p. 1
To Pre-Treat or Not to Pre-Treat? p. 1
Testing p. 1
Intermittent Flame Test p. 1
Spread Of Flame Test p. 1
Burning Brand Test p. 1
Flying Brand Test p. 1
Rain Test p. 1
Weathering Test p. 1
Fire Safety Brochures p. 1
Building Codes p. 1
Canadian Standards On Shakes And Shingles p. 1
Spray-On Preservatives p. 1
Water-borne Preservatives p. 1
Oil-Borne Preservatives p. 1
Cleaning Wood and Wood Roofs p. 1
General Application Recommendations p. 1
Surface Preparation p. 1
Application p. 1
Clean Upp. 4
References And Further Readingp. 3
11) Ceramic and Concrete Tilesp. 36
Introductionp. 1
Life Expectancyp. 1
What makes one tile better than another?p. 1
Overweight?p. 1
Tile Profilep. 1
Standard Tilep. 1
Glazed Tilep. 1
Glazed Tile Offers Some Protectionp. 1
Application of Glazed Tilesp. 1
Glazed Tile Costs and Qualityp. 1
Glaze Formulation - Glazes are Really Glassp. 1
Glazed Tile Selectionp. 1
Glazed Tiles are an Investmentp. 1
Concrete Tilesp. 1
Interlocking Tilesp. 1
Mortar-Set Systems And Nail-On Systemsp. 1
Material Considerationsp. 1
Flashingsp. 1
Fastenersp. 1
Felts (Underlayments)p. 1
Time For An Inspection?p. 1
Glaze failurep. 1
Manufacturer's Field Testingp. 1
Applicationp. 1
Direct Nailingp. 1
Supplementary Details and Accessory Tilesp. 1
Tile in Snow Areasp. 1
Tiles in High Wind and Hurricane Areasp. 1
Reroofing With Tilesp. 1
Specialty Productsp. 1
New Technique Ventilates Tile Roofs at the Ridgep. 1
Clay Ridge Ventsp. 1
Recent Studies On The Testing Of Tiles - An Overviewp. 1
Codes And Standardsp. 10
Ceramic, Clay and Concrete Tile Manufacturers and Suppliersp. 2
References And Further Readingp. 3
12) Metal Tiles p. 11
Introductionp. 1
Granulated Metal Tilesp. 2
Aluminum Tilesp. 1
Copper Shinglesp. 2
Metal Tile Finishesp. 1
Application of Metal Tiles and Panelsp. 5
Metal Tile and Tile Panel Manufacturers and Suppliersp. 1
References And Further Readingp. 1
13) Roofing Panels p. 14
Introductionp. 1
Polycarbonate Panelsp. 1
Glass Fiber-Reinforced Panelsp. 1
Asphalt Panelsp. 1
Metal Panelsp. 4
Roofing Panels For Residential Structuresp. 1
Recent Studies On Roofing Panels - An Overviewp. 2
NRCA Adds Roofing Panels To The Materials Guidep. 4
Roofing Panel Manufacturers and Suppliers p. 1
References And Further Readingp. 1
14) Roofing Bitumen Asphalt and Coal Tar Pitchp. 42
Introductionp. 2
Petroleum Asphaltsp. 1
Petroleum Asphalt Manufacturep. 1
Straight Run Asphaltsp. 1
Thermal Asphaltsp. 1
Propane De-Asphaltingp. 1
Native Asphaltsp. 1
Rock Asphaltsp. 1
Lake Asphaltsp. 1
The Alberta Oil Sand Depositsp. 1
Extraction of Bitumen from Tar Sandp. 2
Upgrading Tar Sand Bitumenp. 1
Tars And Derivatives p. 1
Incompatibility of Asphalt and Coal Tar Pitch (CTP) p. 1
The Composition Of Asphalt p. 3
Composition Depends Upon Crude Source p. 1
Method of Manufacture Also Must be Considered p. 1
Asphalt Manufacturing p. 1
Vacuum Reduction p. 1
Air Blown Asphalt p. 1
The Batch Process p. 1
The Continuous Process p. 2
Catalytic Asphalt p. 1
Modified Asphalts p. 1
Road Cutbacks and Oils p. 1
Emulsions p. 1
Composition of Asphalt Emulsions p. 1
Classificationp. 1
Emulsion Ingredients p. 1
Asphaltp. 1
Water p. 1
Emulsifying Agents p. 1
Breaking p. 1
Curing p. 1
Factors Affecting Setting Rate p. 1
Mineral Fillers p. 1
Equiviscous Temperature (Evt) p. 1
Revisions Proposed p. 2
Testing Of Asphalts p. 3
Fingerprint Gas Chromatography p. 1
Weathering p. 1
Weathering Effects of Sunlight on Asphalt p. 2
Effects of Sulfur on Weathering p. 1
Antioxidants and Asphalt Durability p. 3
Fungus Attacks On Asphalt p. 1
Microbial Destruction Of Bitumen p. 2
References And Further Reading p. 5
15) Felts, Fabrics and Reinforcementsp. 36
Introductionp. 1
Standards For Roofing And Waterproofing Materials.p. 1
Fiber/Matrix Theoryp. 1
Woven Fabricsp. 1
Non-Woven Feltsp. 1
Organic Feltsp. 1
Asbestos Feltsp. 1
Glass Fiber Feltsp. 1
Glass Compositionp. 1
Glass Fiber Mat-Making Methodsp. 2
Polyester And Other Synthetic Feltsp. 3
Durabilityp. 1
Dimensional Stabilityp. 1
Single Ply Roofing Membrane Reinforcementsp. 3
Polyester Fibersp. 1
The Effect Of Moisture On Roofing Feltsp. 1
Geotextiles And Geosyntheticsp. 1
Felt And Fabric Identificationp. 1
Recent Studies On Felts And Fabrics - An Overviewp. 9
Manufacturers/Suppliers Of Roofing Felts, Fabrics And Reinforcementsp. 2
References And Further Readingp. 5
16) Asphalt Shinglesp. 35
Introductionp. 1
Why Asphalt Shingles?p. 2
Step-By-Step Installationp. 1
Deck Preparationp. 1
Proper Ventilationp. 1
Fastenersp. 1
Applying The Shinglesp. 1
Starter Coursep. 1
First Coursep. 1
Second and Remaining Coursesp. 1
Valleysp. 1
Detailp. 1
Fastener Guidelinesp. 1
Finish Coursep. 1
Inspection and Replacement of Damaged p. 1
Shinglesp. 1
More Informationp. 1
Do-It-Yourself Roofingp. 1
Mis-Application of Asphalt Shingles Over Insulationp. 1
Fiberglass Reinforced Asphalt Shingle Manufacturep. 1
Organic Shingles Vs Fiberglass Shinglesp. 2
The Designer Shingles - Architectural, Laminatedp. 1
Weight Vs Strengthp. 1
"Designer" Problems?p. 1
Modified Bitumen Fiberglass Mat Shinglesp. 1
Metric Shinglesp. 1
The Bridging Application Methodp. 1
The Nesting Application Methodp. 1
Other Shingle Features And Accessoriesp. 3
Annual Roof Costp. 1
Asphalt Shingle Repair And Maintenancep. 1
Asphalt Shingle Recyclingp. 1
Pneumatic Toolsp. 2
The Right Toolsp. 4
Audio/Visual Trainingp. 1
Standards For Asphalt Shinglesp. 1
Asphalt Shingle Suppliersp. 1
Asphalt Shingle Manufacturers and Suppliersp. 1
References And Further Readingp. 5
17) Roll Roofingp. 33
Introductionp. 1
Roll Roofing Manufacturing And Specificationsp. 1
Saturants and Coatingp. 1
Organic Felt: Asphaltp. 1
Organic Felt: Tar Saturatedp. 1
Asbestos Roofing Felts: Asphalt and Coal-Tar Saturatedp. 1
Glass-Fiber Feltp. 1
Polyester Feltsp. 1
Mineral Stabilizersp. 1
Fine Mineralsp. 1
Smooth-Surface Roll Roofing: Organic and Inorganicp. 1
Mineral-Surfaced Roll Roofingp. 1
Mineral-Surfaced Selvage-Edge Roofingp. 1
Roll Roofing Installationp. 1
Concealed Nail Methodp. 2
Exposed Nail Methodp. 2
Hips and Ridgesp. 1
Nailsp. 1
Double-Coverage Roll Roofingp. 1
Cautionp. 1
Other Materialsp. 1
Roof Pitchp. 1
Asphalt Cementp. 1
First Course p. 1
Second Course p. 1
Succeeding Courses p. 1
Special Situations p. 2
Summary p. 1
Roll Roof Manufacturers And Suppliers p. 1
References And Further Reading p. 14
18) Built-Up Roofing Systems (BUR)p. 57
Introductionp. 1
Bur Componentsp. 1
Decksp. 1
Vapor Retardersp. 1
Thermal Insulationsp. 1
Membranesp. 1
Flashingp. 1
Bitumen: The Critical Elementp. 1
Asphalt Qualityp. 1
Asphalt Contains Fluxp. 1
Coal-Tar Pitchp. 1
Selecting An Asphalt Or Coal-Tar Pitch For Burp. 1
Asphalt Selection and Heating Requirements (EVT)p. 1
Equiviscous Temperaturep. 1
Coal-Tar Pitch and Heating Requirementsp. 1
Felts And Vapor Retardersp. 2
Surfacing Materialsp. 1
Hot Applied Burp. 1
Laying Felts: The Shingle Methodp. 1
Application of Bitumenp. 1
Spot and Strip Moppingp. 1
Machine Spreadersp. 1
Tankers and Kettlesp. 1
Application Temperaturesp. 1
Heating Recommendationsp. 1
Bitumen Quantitiesp. 1
Cut-Offsp. 1
Top Pourp. 1
Gravelp. 1
The Hazards of Unfinished Finishingp. 1
Work, Weather and BURp. 2
A Word On Workmanshipp. 1
Cold Applied Bur Emulsions And Coatingsp. 1
Application of Cold Applied BURp. 1
Application Errorsp. 1
Cold-Applied Performancep. 1
Cold-Applied Polyesterp. 2
Design And Performancep. 1
Standards And Codesp. 1
Base Sheet And Deck Typesp. 1
Timber and Similar Decksp. 1
Screed Decksp. 1
Unscreed Decksp. 1
New Approaches To Flat Roof Designp. 2
Thermal Design Of The Flat Roofp. 1
The Cold Roofp. 1
Cold Roof Ventilationp. 1
The Warm Roofp. 1
Advantages of the Warm Roofp. 1
The Inverted Roofp. 1
The Causes Of Premature Bur Failuresp. 1
Workmanshipp. 1
Improper Drainagep. 1
Effects of Moisture and the Freeze-Thaw Cyclep. 2
Blistersp. 1
Blister Mechanicsp. 1
Testing for Moisturep. 1
Why Blisters Growp. 1
Other Factors Promoting Blister Growthsp. 1
Urethane Boards and Blisteringp. 1
Splittingp. 1
Causes of Splittingp. 1
Thermal Contractionp. 1
Thermal Shock Factor (TSF)p. 1
Insulation Movementp. 1
Ideal Insulationp. 1
Drying Shrinkagep. 1
Deck Deflectionp. 1
Stress Concentrationsp. 1
How to Improve Membrane-Splitting Resistancep. 1
Ridgingp. 1
How to Prevent Ridgingp. 1
Membrane Slippagep. 1
preventing Slippagep. 1
Delaminationp. 2
Alligatoringp. 1
Surface Erosionp. 1
Grease and BURp. 1
Effects of Aging and Oxidationp. 1
Effects of Humidity and Temperaturep. 1
The New Age: Recycling Burp. 1
Major Built-Up Roofing Manufacturers and Suppliersp. 1
References And Further Readingp. 9
19) Protected Membrane Roofing (PMR)p. 20
Introductionp. 3
Advantages Of The Pmr Roofing Systemp. 3
Composite Insulation Innovations In Pmr Systemsp. 1
Roof Terrace Applications For Pmr Systemsp. 1
Surface Preparationp. 1
Membrane Applicationp. 2
Reroofing Detail Design With Pmr And Its Specificationp. 1
Reroofing Surface Preparationp. 1
Insulation and Filter Clothp. 1
Protected Roofing Membrane Ballast And Pavers p. 3
Recent Studies On Protected Membrane Systems - An Overview p. 1
References And Further Readingp. 4
20) Hot-Applied Rubberized Asphaltp. 15
Introductionp. 2
Chemistryp. 1
Testingp. 1
Water Absorptionp. 1
Low Temperature Flexibilityp. 1
Ductilityp. 1
Toughness-Tenacityp. 1
Crack-Bridgingp. 1
Plasticity (Plastic Flow)p. 1
Resultsp. 2
Specificationsp. 1
Applicationp. 1
Reroofingp. 1
Moisture, Preparation, and Dew Pointp. 1
New Roofingp. 4
Hot Applied Rubberized Asphalt Manufacturers and Suppliers p. 1
References And Further Readingp. 1
21) Polyurethane Foam PUF Roofing Systemsp. 35
Introductionp. 1
Author'S Note - Terminologyp. 1
Composition And Chemistryp. 1
Applicationp. 1
Application Criteriap. 2
Application to Concrete Roof Decksp. 1
Application to Wood Roof Decksp. 1
Application to Steel Roofsp. 1
Application to Fluted Steel Roof Decksp. 1
Advantages And Disadvantagesp. 1
Advantagesp. 1
Disadvantagesp. 1
Proper Application Proceduresp. 3
Spray PUF Equipment Operation And Material Problemsp. 3
Coverings On Sprayed-In-Place Polyurethane Foamp. 1
Introductionp. 1
Available Coatings p. 2
Coating Advantages and Disadvantages p. 1
Advantagesp. 1
Disadvantagesp. 1
Granule Applicationp. 1
Inspection And Maintenancep. 1
How To Troubleshoot Spray-Polyerethane Foam Equipment p. 3
Single Ply Over PUF?p. 1
Manufacturers, Distributors And Contractorsp. 4
Four Important Publications on Polyurethane Foam Roofing Systems p. 1
References And Further Readingp. 5
22) Liquid Membranes and Waterproofing Coatingsp. 38
Introductionp. 1
Cold-Applied Roofing Has Been Ignoredp. 2
Cold Applied Roofing Membranesp. 1
Asphaltic Cut-Backsp. 1
Asphaltic Emulsionsp. 3
Solvent-Based Membranes And Coatingsp. 2
Solvent-based materials and VOC Coating Regulationsp. 1
Chlorinated Solventsp. 1
Water/Emulsion-Based Membranes And Coatingsp. 1
Emulsion Chemistryp. 1
100-Percent Solids Membranes And Coatingsp. 1
Bituminous Coating Materialsp. 1
Acrylic Mastic Coatingsp. 2
Vinylidene Chloride (VDC) Copolymer Coatingsp. 2
Surface Preparationp. 1
Application Of Cold-Applied Liquid Membranes And Coatingsp. 4
Cold Applied Coatings As A Surfacing Alternative For Hot Burp. 1
Acrylic Coatings Used For Maintenance On Aged Burp. 2
Rcma Manualp. 1
Recent Studies On Cold Applied Liquid Membranes And Coatings For Waterproofing - An Overviewp. 8
Cold Applied Liquid Membrane and Coating Manufacturersp. 4
References And Further Readingp. 1
Cold Applied Liquid Membranesp. 1
Cold Applied Liquid Coatingsp. 3
23)Foundation Wall and Underground Waterproofingp. 46
Introductionp. 1
Dampproofing vs Waterproofingp. 1
Effects of water movementp. 1
Materials For Waterproofingp. 6
Cold-Applied Liquid Waterproofing Membranesp. 2
Waterproofing And The Design Professionalp. 2
Using The Below-Grade Waterproofing Materials Tablep. 1
Longevityp. 1
Crack Bridgingp. 1
Elastic Propertiesp. 1
Resealabilityp. 1
Leak-Localizing Capabilityp. 1
Resistance to Chemicalsp. 1
puncture Resistancep. 1
Hydrostatic Pressure Resistancep. 1
permeability and Breathabilityp. 1
Freeze/Thaw Resistancep. 1
Shrinkagep. 1
Emulsification in Waterp. 1
Temperature and Humidity Sensitivityp. 1
Cure Timep. 1
Application and Clean-Upp. 1
Quality Controlp. 1
Compatibilityp. 1
Safetyp. 1
Seams and Grade-Line Terminationp. 1
production Ratesp. 1
Substrate Preparationp. 1
Adaptabilityp. 1
Accessoriesp. 1
Ease of Job-Site Tie-Insp. 1
Vertical and Horizontal Applicationsp. 1
protectionp. 1
Schedulingp. 1
Warranty Programp. 2
Available Applicatorsp. 1
Cost Effectivenessp. 1
Waterproofing Systems For Earth Sheltered Structuresp. 1
Site Planningp. 1
Landscapingp. 1
Backfilling and Drainagep. 1
Floors and Roofsp. 1
Waterproofing Membranep. 1
Recent Studies On Non-Roofing Waterproofing-An Overviewp. 5
Foundation Wall & Underground Waterproofing Manufacturersp. 1
Waterproofing Material Manufacturers And Suppliersp. 2
References And Further Readingp. 1
Waterproofing Of Earth Shelters, Pools, Reservoirsp. 1
Foreign Waterproofing Articlesp. 2
Waterproofing/Dampproofing Articles, Papers, Researchp. 2
Concrete Waterproofingp. 1
24) Single-Ply Roofing Membranesp. 40
Introductionp. 1
Workmanshipp. 1
Why Single-Ply: An Historical Perspectivep. 1
The Evolution of Building Designp. 1
The European Experiencep. 1
Technical and Economical Factorsp. 1
Energy Factorsp. 1
Labor: Is BUR a Dirty Word?p. 1
Bur Battles Backp. 1
polymer Chemistry And Single-Plyp. 1
Thermosetting vs. Thermoplasticp. 1
Single Ply Classificationsp. 1
Modified Bitumensp. 1
prefabricated and Reinforcedp. 1
Hot Applied Rubberized Asphalts (RA)p. 1
Cold Applied Liquid Membrane (CLM)p. 1
Thermosets (Elastomers)p. 1
Thermoplasticsp. 2
Liquid Applied Systemsp. 1
Single Ply And System Designp. 2
The Ballasted Systemp. 1
The Adhered Systemp. 1
The Mechanically Attached Systemp. 1
A Basis For Selecting Roofing Membranesp. 1
Criteria For Selecting A Single-Ply For Your Roof Systemp. 1
Structural Considerationsp. 1
Deck Compositionp. 1
Load Bearing Capacityp. 1
Deck Penetrationsp. 1
Wind Uplift and Climatic Variablesp. 1
Chemical Environmentp. 1
Roof Accessp. 1
Aestheticp. 1
Building Codes and Costsp. 1
pinpointing Problems With Single-Plyp. 1
project Pinpoint was initiated by the NRCA in 1974.p. 1
Lap Defectsp. 1
Shrinkagep. 1
Tear and Puncturesp. 1
Delaminationp. 1
Insulationp. 1
Other Problems with Single-Plyp. 1
Distribution of Problemsp. 1
problems With Moisture And Single-Pliesp. 2
Single-Ply Alerts For Further Considerationp. 1
Designp. 1
Fieldp. 2
Conclusionp. 1
Manufacturers of Single-ply, BUR or Bothp. 4
References And Further Readingp. 11
25)Bitumen Modificationp. 26
Introductionp. 1
Viscosity/Rheologyp. 5
Molecular Weightp. 1
Compoundingp. 1
penetrationp. 1
Handlingp. 1
Bitumen Compositionp. 1
Broad Characterization Of Bitumen Constituentsp. 1
phase Equilibrium and Phase Separationp. 3
polymeric Modifiersp. 1
Fillersp. 2
Bitumen/Polymer Blendingp. 3
Aging of Modified Bitumensp. 4
Conclusionp. 1
References And Further Readingp. 3
26) Modified Bitumenp. 52
Introductionp. 1
It all started in Italyp. 1
Atactic Polypropylene (APP)p. 1
Styrene Butadiene Styrene (SBS)p. 2
UV Radiationp. 1
Fundamentalsp. 1
Current modified bitumensp. 1
Desirable featuresp. 1
Current specificationsp. 1
Fire ratingsp. 1
Wind ratingsp. 1
Compositionp. 1
Structure of polymer modified bitumensp. 1
Mixing and blending of modified bitumenp. 1
Sheet manufacturep. 1
Reinforcementsp. 1
polyesterp. 1
Fiberglassp. 1
Advantagesp. 1
Disadvantagesp. 1
Modified's Limitationsp. 1
Application Precautionsp. 2
Imperative Selection Guidelinesp. 1
Technical Distinctivesp. 1
product Comparisonsp. 1
Making the Right Choicep. 1
Better Than Bur?p. 1
Building Movementp. 1
Flashingsp. 1
Uv Resistancep. 1
performancep. 1
Testingp. 1
Recent Developmentsp. 1
Specification/Applicationp. 1
Insulationp. 1
The Membranep. 1
Recovering Applicationsp. 1
Torch-Applied Safetyp. 5
Mb Equipment Innovationsp. 1
Quality Control (Application)p. 4
Torching Versus Hot-Mopping (Application)p. 1
Modified Bitumen Educationp. 1
Modified Bitumen Manufacturers and Suppliersp. 3
References And Further Readingp. 13
27) Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM)p. 32
Introduction And Historyp. 1
Compositionp. 1
Energy Savingsp. 2
Applicationp. 4
Fire Resistancep. 1
Non-Penetrating Fastening Systemsp. 2
polyester Backing Optionp. 2
Use Of Existing Equipmentp. 1
Laboratory Performance Testsp. 5
Field Quality Control And Lab Testingp. 3
Talc-Free EPDM Spliced with Butyl Tapesp. 3
Other Epdm Productsp. 1
pricep. 1
EPDM Manufacturers and Suppliersp. 2
References And Further Readingp. 5
28) Vulcanized (Cured) Elastomersp. 12
Introductionp. 1
Neoprenep. 1
Introductionp. 1
Compositionp. 1
The Two Types of Neoprenep. 1
Description of General Purpose Neoprenesp. 1
Description of Adhesive Type Neoprenesp. 1
processing Neoprenesp. 1
Functions, Applications, Specifications and Installation of Neoprenep. 2
Using Neoprenes for Recovering Roofsp. 1
Neoprene Weight Limitationsp. 1
Effect of Chemical Contaminationp. 1
Additional Insulationp. 1
Compositionp. 2
NBP Manufacturersp. 2
Vulcanized (Cured) Elastomers Manufacturers And Suppliersp. 1
References And Further Readingp. 1
29) Non-Vulcanized (Uncured) Elastomersp. 12
Introductionp. 1
A Generic Look At Uncured Polymersp. 1
"There'S Nothing Magic About Curing"p. 1
Elastomer Groupsp. 1
Cspep. 1
Cspe Advantagesp. 1
Cspe Disadvantagesp. 1
Cpep. 1
Hypalon/CPE Composite Membranep. 1
Nbpp. 1
Non-Vulcanized Thermoplastic Elastomer Performance Reviewp. 1
Chlorinated Polyethylene (Cpe)p. 1
Chlorosulfonated Polyethylene (Cspe)p. 1
polyisobutylene (Pib)p. 1
Insulation Informationp. 1
Repairing Cured Materialp. 1
Application Detailsp. 2
Non-Vulcanized (Uncured) Elastomers Mfrs & Suppliersp. 1
References And Further Readingp. 1
30) Thermoplastic Single-Ply Membranesp. 6
Introductionp. 1
Eipp. 1
Hyloadp. 2
Thermoplastic Single-Ply Membranes Manufacturers and Suppliersp. 1
31) Poly(vinyl) Chloride (PVC)p. 53
Introductionp. 1
Historyp. 1
Compositionp. 1
pVC Compoundingp. 3
The Importance of Plasticizersp. 2
Dimensional Stabilityp. 2
Thermal Stabilityp. 1
Chemical Resistance And Compatibilityp. 1
Applicationp. 1
The Do's of PVCp. 1
The Don'ts of PVCp. 1
Lap Jointsp. 2
Flashingsp. 2
Nightly Tie-Offsp. 1
partial Retrofit Projectsp. 3
Standards And Specificationsp. 3
New Guidelinesp. 2
Testingp. 1
Temperature-Induced Loadp. 1
Heat Agingp. 1
Accelerated Weatheringp. 1
puncture Damagep. 1
Shattering of PVCp. 1
Symptoms and Conditionsp. 1
Maintenance and Repairsp. 2
Other Defectsp. 2
Tensile Testsp. 2
Recent Studies On Pvc Roofing Membranes - An Overviewp. 5
past and Present PVC Technology Contributorsp. 1
References And Further Readingp. 11
32) Polyisobutylene (PIB)p. 13
Introductionp. 1
Advantagesp. 1
What are the advantages of the PIB system?p. 1
Applicationp. 1
Chemistryp. 1
The System Itselfp. 1
Limitationsp. 2
Alternative Application Problemsp. 1
Repair Methodsp. 1
Manufacturep. 1
partially Adheredp. 1
Contractor's Commentsp. 1
New Constructionp. 3
References And Further Readingp. 1
33) Adhesion and Adhesivesp. 52
Introductionp. 1
Terms Used In Adhesion Science And Technologyp. 2
The Theory Of Adhesionp. 1
Adhesion Bondsp. 2
Surface energy of solidsp. 1
Interdiffusion theoryp. 1
Wetting and settingp. 2
Wood As An Adherendp. 1
Basic structure of woodp. 1
Bulk properties of woodp. 3
plastics As Adherendsp. 1
Bulk properties of plasticsp. 3
Surfaces of plastics and their preparation for bondingp. 1
Metals As Adherendsp. 3
Metal surfaces and their preparation for bondingp. 1
Bonding elastomers to metal substratesp. 1
Selecting An Adhesivep. 1
Natural And Synthetic Rubber Adhesivesp. 2
Hot Melt Adhesivesp. 1
Thermoplastic rubbersp. 1
Adhesive Emulsionsp. 1
Acrylic Adhesivesp. 1
phenolic Resin Adhesivesp. 1
Urea-formaldehydep. 1
polyurethane And Isocyanate Based Adhesivesp. 1
Epoxy Resinsp. 1
Asphalt As An Adhesivep. 1
Testingp. 1
Tests on adhesivesp. 1
Tests on bonded joints and assembliesp. 2
Testing Adhesives Prior To Bondingp. 3
Tests For Screening New Adhesive Productsp. 2
Non-Destructive Testingp. 2
Adhesion And Cohesion Of Rubberized Asphaltsp. 1
Adhesion Of Coatingsp. 2
Other Useful Adhesive Informationp. 3
Adhesive Storagep. 1
Adhesive Manufacturers And Suppliersp. 1
References And Further Readingp. 6
34) Sealants, Caulks and Joint Movementp. 39
Introductionp. 1
Building Joints and Their Theoretical Functionp. 1
Building Joint Typesp. 1
Construction Jointsp. 1
Movement and Butt Jointsp. 1
Non-Working and Static Jointsp. 1
Contraction Jointsp. 1
Expansion and Isolation Jointsp. 1
Design Considerationsp. 1
Joint Dimension - Minimum Width and Depthp. 1
Difficult Substratesp. 1
Surface Preparationp. 1
Joint Adjustmentp. 1
Joint Contaminantsp. 1
Solventsp. 1
plastic Substratesp. 1
Miscellaneous Substratesp. 1
primingp. 1
primer, solvent and sealant safety and handlingp. 1
Accessory Materialsp. 1
Filler Boardsp. 1
Foam Filler - Back-up Rodp. 1
Bond-Breakersp. 1
Back-up Materialsp. 1
Caulking Compoundsp. 1
Oil-Based Caulksp. 1
Butyl Caulksp. 1
Acrylic Latex Caulksp. 1
Solvent-Release Acrylic Caulksp. 1
Elastomeric Sealantsp. 3
Sealant Classificationp. 1
Curing Of Sealantsp. 1
Application Tips In Adverse Environmentsp. 1
Incompatibilityp. 1
Causes of Failurep. 2
Tooling And Finishingp. 1
Selecting Sealants, Sealant Manufacturers, And Applicatorsp. 1
Testing And Evaluation Of Sealantsp. 13
Adhesive, Caulking, and Sealant Manufacturers and Suppliersp. 2
References And Further Readingp. 3
35) Lap Joint Techniques for Single-Ply Membranesp. 41
Introductionp. 1
Lap Joint Historyp. 2
Types Of Lap Jointsp. 1
Thermoplastic Materialsp. 1
Thermoset Materialsp. 1
Modified Bitumensp. 1
plastic film parting agentsp. 1
Types Of Roofing Systemsp. 1
One-Part Butyl Adhesive Lap Joints For Epdmp. 1
Application method for butyl adhesivep. 5
What can go wrong and whyp. 2
Butyl Tapes For Epdmp. 2
Neoprene For Epdm Lap Jointsp. 1
Hot Air Weldingp. 2
Other Methods Of Achieving A Lap Jointp. 3
Lap Joint Quality Assurancep. 1
Surface preparationp. 1
Checking seam integrityp. 4
Lap Joint Testingp. 1
Joint Integrityp. 1
One-part butyl-based and neoprene-based adhesive lap jointsp. 3
Single-Ply Field Seam Evaluationp. 5
Organizationsp. 1
References And Further Readingp. 4
36) Fabric Roofsp. 34
Introductionp. 2
Fabric Structure Science: How And Why It Worksp. 1
History Of Fabric Roofsp. 1
Developed For Decadesp. 1
portable Structuresp. 1
Design Characteristicsp. 1
High Tensile And Tear Strengthsp. 1
Excellent Coating Adhesionp. 1
Non-Wickingp. 1
Dimensional Stabilityp. 1
Flame Resistancep. 1
Resistance To Fungus And Mildew Growthp. 1
Weldabilityp. 1
Chemical Resistancep. 1
Extended Life Spanp. 2
Energy Factorsp. 1
The Dead Air Factorp. 2
Energy Balancep. 1
Future Fabric Schemesp. 4
Testingp. 2
Testing Synopsisp. 1
Damaged Material Assessmentp. 1
Applicationp. 1
Tensionp. 4
Disadvantagesp. 1
performancep. 1
Compliancep. 1
Future Trendsp. 1
Summaryp. 3
Fabric Roof Major Manufacturers and Suppliersp. 1
References And Further Readingp. 2
38) Fasteners and Fastening Techniquesp. 43
Forewordp. 1
Introductionp. 1
General Fastener Informationp. 1
Historyp. 1
Fastener Applicationp. 1
Inspect the deckp. 1
Check the insulationp. 1
pull-Out Testsp. 1
Determine the fastening patternp. 1
Thermal Bridgingp. 3
Installationp. 1
Safetyp. 1
Screw-Type Fasteners And Fastening Systemsp. 2
performancep. 1
Analytical Fastener Designp. 2
Wood Decksp. 1
Equipmentp. 1
Nail-Type Fastening And Fastening Systemsp. 1
Equipmentp. 1
Nailing Asphalt Shinglesp. 1
Staple-Type Fasteners And Fastening Systemsp. 1
Equipmentp. 1
Anchor-Type Fasteners And Fastening Systemsp. 1
Concrete decksp. 2
Tectum or Precast Lightweight Concretep. 1
Equipmentp. 1
Termination-Bars And Systemsp. 1
Non-Penetrating Fastenersp. 1
Fastening Clay Or Concrete Tilesp. 1
Historyp. 1
Fastening Roofing Tilesp. 2
Tile Tie Systemsp. 2
Tiles In High Wind Areasp. 1
New Tile Adhesivep. 1
Corrosion And Fastenersp. 1
Mechanical Fastener Testing And Researchp. 2
Fastener Standardsp. 1
Major U.S. Fastener Manufacturers And Suppliersp. 11
References And Further Readingp. 3
39) Corrosion Problems and Preventive Measuresp. 57
Introductionp. 1
What Is Corrosion?p. 1
The Principle Of Galvanic Corrosionp. 2
Types Of Corrosionp. 1
General Corrosionp. 1
General Corrosion: growthp. 1
Galvanic Corrosionp. 2
Corrosion by Aeration Cellsp. 6
Biochemical Corrosionp. 1
Chemical Corrosionp. 3
Localized Corrosion (pitting)p. 1
Stress Corrosion Crackingp. 2
Corrosion Preventionp. 1
Coatingsp. 3
Corrosion Ratep. 2
The Speed of Corrosion of Carbon Steelp. 3
Corrosion of Zinc and Galvanized Steelp. 2
Stainless Steels and Duplex Systemsp. 1
Stainless Steelp. 1
Austenitic Stainless Steelsp. 1
Ferritic Stainless Steelsp. 1
Martensitic Stainless Steelsp. 1
Corrosion of Stainless Steelsp. 1
Fastener/Steel Sheet Interactionp. 3
Corrosion In Timberp. 1
Corrosion In Steel Reinforcing Of Concretep. 2
Cathodic Protection Systemsp. 2
Design Considerations for Cathodic Protection Systemsp. 1
Cathodic Protection System Typesp. 1
Testing For Corrosion Resistancep. 1
ASTM Committee G-1p. 1
Guideline Methodsp. 1
General Test Methodsp. 2
Specific Test Methodsp. 1
Reference Methodsp. 1
Corrosivity Measurement Standardsp. 1
Corrosion Forums and Control for Infrastructurep. 1
Corrosion Testing Related to Roofingp. 1
Kesternich Test (DIN-50018)p. 1
Salt Spray Testp. 1
Recent Studies On Corrosion - An Overviewp. 7
References And Further Readingp. 3
40) Special, Unique and Exotic Roofsp. 49
Introductionp. 1
Roofing And Aestheticsp. 1
Advanced Roofing Technologyp. 1
photovoltaic Roofing Systemsp. 1
Air Curtain Roofsp. 1
Definitionp. 1
The Structurep. 8
References And Further Readingp. 38