Why Own This Book?
Why Own This Book?
The Science and Technology
of Traditional and Modern
Roofing Systems
The Reasons Why You Must Own This Outstanding Roofing Publication
General Considerations
A broad Treatment of roofing-related Topics with a general scientific Interest in Mind!
A One-of-a-Kind Publication - nothing like it ever published!
A Publication on Roofing that fills the Void felt for Decades!
For Construction Professionals
Helpful, explanatory Comments and authoritative Opinions!
Illustrated numerous Figures, Tables, and Photographs to clarify technical Requirements!
State-of-the-Art in Worldwide Roofing Knowledge!
A Must-Buy Item for all Segments of the Construction Industry!
An Asset to making educated Decisions for a successful and profitable Business!
A real Management Tool for the Roofing Contractor!
Practical and scientific - get the Background you need to do the Job right!
Boost Productivity and Profits in every Area of Roofing Projects, Manufacturing, Applications, and Maintenance Programs!
Manufacturers and Suppliers Listings!
Learn how to select the most suitable and cost-effective Roofing Materials and Components for individual Roof Design!
Compare Advantages and Limitations of every Roofing System!
For Students and Educators
Written for the Student as well as the Professor - for everyone with a Roof over his Head!
Emphasis on Education and Information Dissemination!
Suitable for every College, University, and Public Library!
A clear and global Picture of the History and Progress of Roofing!
Learn about Roofing Statistics and Market Share on a national and international Level for each Category of Roofing Materials!
Overviews on recently published Testing and Evaluations of Roofing Materials and Systems - current and future Trends in Roofing Research!
100 Page Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations - a Reference Book in itself!
For Architects, Engineers, Designers and Specifiers
The most comprehensive References and further Reading in every Chapter!
Information on the latest Computer Construction Software!
The Key to unlock the Solutions to a Myriad of Roofing Problems!