1284 Terms

1284 Terms

ACGIH * ACM * AISI * APP * ARI * ASHRAE * ASTM * Abatement * Abrasion Resistance * Absorption *Accelerated Heat Aging * Accelerated Weathering * Accelerator * Active * Adhesion * Adhesive *Admixture * Adsorption * Aerosol * Aggregate * Air Barrier * Air Leakage * Air Space * AirSupported Structure * Air Well * Airway * Alfin Catalyst * Alignment Notch * Aliphatic * Alkalis *Alkyd Paint * Alligatoring * Alloy * Ambient Temperature * Amorphous * Anchor Bolt * Anemometer *Angle Iron * Angular Placement * Anhydrous Lime * Anisotropic * Annulus Area * Anti-PerforationLayer * Application * Application Temperature * Application Temperature Limits * ApprovedContractor * Approved Labs * Aromatic * Aromatic Hydrocarbons * Artificial Stone * Asbestos Cement* Asbestos-Containing Material * Asphalt * Asphaltene * Atactic * Atrium * Attic or Roof Space * BR* BTU * BTUH * BTUs per hour * BUR * Back Coating * Back Nailing * Backing Mineral * Backlining *Backout * Backout Torque * Bald Roof * Ballast * Balloon Framing * Band Sticks * Bar * Barge Board* Barrel Tile * Barrel Vault Roof * Base Coat * Base Flashing * Base Sheet * Batt * Batten * Batter* Batter Board * Beam * Beam Pocket * Bearing Plate * Bearing Wall * Bellows * Bend Test * BendingStrength * Bending Stress * Bentonite * Berm * Billowing * Bitumen * Blanket Insulation * Bleedingor Bleed Through * Blemish * Blends * Blind Nailing * Blind Rivet * Blind Valley * Blister * Block* Block Copolymer * Blocking * Blowing Agent * Blown Asphalt * Blueprint * Bond * Bond Lines * BondStrength * Bonded Roof * Bonding Agent * Boston Lap * Bowstring Roof * Box Beam * Box Gutter *Brace * Breaking Load * Breaking Strength * Breather Vent * Breeze-Way * Bridging * Brittle Pointor Brittleness Temperature * Brooming * Buckle * Buckled Ply * Building Code * Buildup Coats *Bulkhead * Bull * Bull Paddle * Butt * Butt Joint * Butt Nailing * Butt Seam * Butt Up * ButterflyValve * Button * Butyl * Butyl Rubber * CAS# * CH3 * COC * COE * CPA * CPE * CPVC * CRCA * CSM *CSPE * CTP * Calendar * Calibrate * Camber * Canadian Roofing Contractors Association * Canopy *Cant Strip * Cantilever * Cap * Cap Flashing * Cap Sheet * Capillary Action * Capping In * CarbonBlack * Carbon Black Masterbatch * Cast Sheeting * Catch Basin * Cathode * Cathodic Protection *Caulk * Cellular Material * Cellulose * Cement * Center to Center * Ceramic Granules * CeramicTiles * Chain Mop * Chain Scission * Chain Termination * Chalk * Chalk Line or Snap Line * ChannelMopping * Charge Ratio * Checking * Chemical Resistance * Chicken Ladder * Chimney * ChimneyFlashing * Chimney Flue * Chimney Lining * Chlorinated Rubber * Chrysotile Asbestos * Cladding *Clamp Ring * Clay * Clay Tile * Cleavage * Cleavage Strength * Clerestory * Clinch Nailing *Clipped Gable * Closed Cell * Closed System * Closure Strip * Co-Polymer Alloy * Coal Tar Enamel *Coal Tar Pitch * Coalescing Agents * Coating * Coating Asphalt * Code * Code or Building Code *Coefficient of Elasticity * Coefficient of Heat Transmission * Coefficient of [Linear] ThermalExpansion * Cohesion * Cohesive Strength * Cold Forming * Cold Patch * Cold Process * Cold Weld *Cold Wrap * Collar Brace * Collar Flashing * Collector Box * Color Stability and Reflectivity *Combined Stresses * Combustible and Incombustible Materials * Common Rafter * Compact Roof *Composite * Composition Roofing * Compression * Compression Fatigue * Compression Set * CompressionTest * Compression/Deflection Test * Compression/Expansion Fastener * Compressive Strength *Compressive Yield Strength * Concealed Gutter * Concealed Nailing * Concrete * Condensation *Condensation Reaction * Conditioning * Conductivity * Conductor * Confidence Value * Conical-StyleFlashing * Conjugated Double Bonds * Contact Cements * Conveyor Belt * Coping * Copolymer *Copolymerization * Corner Bead * Cornerite * Cornice * Corona * Corrosion * Corrugation * CounterTruss or Counter Brace * Counterflashing * Countersink * Couped Roof * Course * Court * Cover Tile* Coverage * Coverage Patterns * Cowel * Crack or Cracking * Crazing * Creep Recovery * CreepRupture Strength * Creep Strength * Creep Test * Creosote * Cricket * Cross Bridging * CrossDirection * Cross Ventilating * Crosslink * Crumb Rubber * Cubic Centimeter * Cupola * Curb * CurbRoof * Cure * Cure Time * Curing Agent * Curled Felt * Curtain Wall * Cutback * Cutback Products *Cutoff * Cutout * DEW Line * DHW * DIY * DOP * DRC * DSA * Dado * Dampproofing * Dead Level * DeadLoads * Dead Soft Steel * Debye-Scherrer Diagram of Frozen Rubber * Deck * Deck Clips * Deflection* Deformation * Deformation Bar * Deformation Energy * Deglossing * Degradation * Dehumidify *Dehydration * Delamination * Denier * Density * Depolymerization * Depth Adjuster * DestructiveEvaluation * Diagonal Ties * Die Cut * Diffraction * Diffusion * Digester * Digestion * DimensionalChange * Dimer * Dimple * Dip Coat * Dipper * Dirt * Disc Fastener * Dishing * Dispersing Agents *Dispersion * Dissociation * Distributed Load * Divorce Sheet * Dog Bone Sample * Dormer * DoubleBond * Double Coursed * Double Glazing * Double Header * Double Pour * Double Sided Adhesive * DownDraft * Down Pipe * Down Spout * Draft Stop * Drain * Draw Cock * Drip * Drip Edge * Drip Mold *Drippage * Dry Bulb Temperature * Dry Bulb Thermometer * Dry Film Thickness * Dry Ice * Dry Laid *Dry Mopping * Dry Rot * Dry Rubber Content * Dry Strength * Du Pont Abrader * Duck Boards * Duct *Ductility * Dumbbell * Durometer * Dynamic Modulus of Elasticity * Dynamic Properties * Dyne * EASL* ECB * ECH * EIP * EPDM * EPS * Ears * Eave * Eave Soffit * Eave Trough * Edge Venting *Efflorescence * Elastic Limit * Elasticity * Elastomer * Elastomeric * Elastoplastic * Electrolyte* Electrolytic Protection * Elevation View * Elongation or Percent of Elongation * Embedment *Embrittlement * Emulsifying Agent * Emulsion * Enamel * End Matched * End Thrust * Endurance Test *Envelope * Environmental Conditioning * Equalizing Layer * Equilibrium Moisture Content * ExhaustShaft * Exothermic * Expanded Metal * Expanded Polystyrene * Expansion Joint * Exposure or ExposedArea * Extensometer * Extrusion * Eyebrow * FM * FMRC * FRT * Fabric * Facade * Facing * Factor ofSafety * Factory Edge * Factory Seam * Fade-Ometer * Fading * Fahrenheit * Failure * Fall *Fallback * False Ceiling * Fascia or Fascia Board * Fastener * Fatigue * Fatigue Life * FatigueLimit * Fatigue Ratio * Fatigue Strength * Fatigue Test * Fatty Acid or Fat Acid * Feather orFeathering * Felt * Felt Handler * Felt Layer * Felt Mill Ream * Felt Runner * Ferrule * FiberBoard * Fiber Exposure Monitoring * Fiber Glass * Fiber Glass Insulation * Fiber Saturation Point *Fibers Per Cubic Centimeter * Field * Field Seam * Fill * Filler * Fine Mineral Surfacing * FingerWrinkling * Fire Barrier * Fire Brands * Fire Stop * Fire Wall * Fishmouth * Fissure * Fixtures *Flame Retardant * Flame Stop V * Flame Stop VP * Flammability * Flange * Flash Point * Flashing *Flashing Block * Flashing Cement * Flex Resistance * Flexural Modulus of Elasticity * FlexuralStrength * Flexure Test * Flip Method * Float Finish * Floating * Floating Roof * Flood Coat * FlowStress * Flue * Flue Cap * Flue Lining * Flue Tile * Flutter Fatigue * Flux * Flying In * FoamRubber * Foaming Agent * Fracture Stress * Fracture Test * Fracture Toughness * Framing * FreeCarbon in Tars * Free Radical * Freezeback * Freon * Friction Fastener * Fully Adhered * Fume *Fungus * Furring * G = modulus of rigidity * Gable * Gable End * Gage Length * Galvanized * GambrelRoof * Gasoline * Gehman Torsional Apparatus * Gel Time * Gelling * Gilsonite * Glass Mat * GlassTransition Temperature - Tg * Glass Wool Insulation * Glaze Coat * Glossary Glossary * GoodrichFlexometer * Goodrich Plastometer * Grain * Granules * Gravel Stop * Graveling In * GravimetricExposure Monitoring * Green * Grout * Guarantee * Gusset * Gutter * Gypsum * H-Beam * HOL * HRAInstitute * HVAC * Hanging Gutter * Hardness * Hazard Communication Standard * Head Lap * Header *Heat Aging * Heat Embrittlement * Heat Welding * Heating Degree Day * Heel Joint * Helm Roof *Hexagonal or Hex * High Melt Point * Hip * Hip Pad * Hoist * Holiday * Homolog * Homopolymer *Honeycombing * Hood * Hooke's Law * Hot Air Welding * Hot Spot * Hot Stuff or Hot * Hot Wrap *Hydrocarbon * Hydrocarbon Resins * Hydrolysis * Hydrostatic Pressure * Hygroscopic * Hypalon® *Hypalon® Coatings * Hyperbolic Paraboloid Roof * I-60; Factory Mutual * I-90; Factory Mutual * I-Beam * IARC * ICBO * IPA * IRC * IRMA * ISO * Ice Dam * Impact Energy * Impact Resistance * ImpactStrength * Impact Test * Impervious * Impregnated Wood * Incline * Incompatibility * Indentation *Inert * Infrared * Injection Molding * Inorganic * Instron * Insulate * Insulation * Insulation Set* Interior Drainage System * Interior Gutter * International System of Units * Intumescent *Inverted Roofing Membrane Assembly * Iodine Number * Isolation Layer * Isomeric Polymers *Isotactic * Isotactic Polymer * Isotropic * Izod Impact Test * Jack * Jack Rafter * Jamb * Joint *Joint Cement * Joist * KSK * Kaolin * Karifalt * Kelvin * Kerosine Test * Kesternich Cabinet *Ketones * Kettle * Kettleman * Key * King Post Truss * Knock-on-Union * Koresin * LASE * LP * Laced* Ladder Jack * Laitance * Laminated Wood * Lamination * Langley * Lap * Lateral Thrust * Latex *Latex Cement * Lath * Laying Line * Leaching * Leader * Lean-to * Ledger Strip * Leg * Life CycleCosting - LCC * Lift * Light Well * Light-Weight Concrete * Lignin * Lime * Limestone * Lining *Liquid State * Live Loads * Load Pounds * Lookout Rafters * Loosely Laid Roof System * Louver * LowTemperature Flexibility * Low Temperature Resistance * MB * MBMA * MCA * MOE * MSDS * MachineDirection * Macro Roof * Macromolecule * Macroscopic * Magnesia * Magnetic Separator * MagneticSweeper * Mandrel * Manila * Mansard * Mastic * Mastic Asphalt * Mean Free Path * Mean Stress *Mechanically Attached * Melamine Resin * Melting Point * Membrane * Memory * Mer * Mesh *Mesothelioma * Metal Film * Mica * Micrometer * Micron * Midget * Migration * Mil * Mill Deck *Millimeter * Mineral Aggregate * Mineral Rubber * Mineral Stabilizer * Mineral Surfaced Roofing *Mineral Wax * Mineral Wool * Mini Mopper * Minimum Bend Radius * Modifier * Modulus * Modulus ofElasticity * Modulus of Rigidity * Modulus of Rupture * Modulus of Toughness * Moisture Barrier *Moisture Content * Moisture Detection * Mole Run * Monitor * Monolithic * Monomer * Mooney ShearingDisc Viscometer * Mop * Mop and Flop * Mopping * Mortar * Movement Joint * Mud Cracking * NBP * NBR* NDE * NESCA * NIOSH * NIST * NIST Abrader * NR * NRCA * NTB * Nailer * Nailing * Nailing Planks *Nails * Nap * Neat Cement * Necking * Neoprene * Neoprene Coatings * Neoprene Rubber * Nineteen-Inch Selvage * Ninety Pound Roll Roofing * Nitrile Alloy * Nitrile Rubber * Nominal * NominalStress * Non-Bearing Partition * Non-Combustible * Non-Oxidizing * Non-Slip or Non-Skid * Non-Vulcanized * Non-Woven * Number of Plies * OD * OEM * OSHA * Oil Canning * Oil Resistance * OilSoluble * Oil Swell * Olefin * Oleoresin * Oligomer * Open Time * Open or Vented System * OperatingStress * Optimum Cure * Orange Peel * Organic * Orthotropic * Outriggers * Oven Curing * Oven-AgingTest * Overdriving * Overhang * Overheating * Overspray * Overstressing * Oxidation * OzoneResistance * PEL * PIB * PIMA * PMR or PMRA * PRIDE * PSF * PSI * PTFE * PUCA * PVAc * PVC * Paint* Pan Tile * Panel * Paraffinic Oils * Paraffins * Partially Attached * Parting Agent * Patina *Pattern * Pattern Lines * Patterns * Peaked Roof * Peel Resistance * Peel Strength * Penetration *Penthouse * Percolation * Perimeter * Perimeter Railing * Perlite * Perm * Petroleum Pitch * PhasedApplication * Picture Framing * Pigment * Pimpling * Pin Hole * Pin Nails * Pipe Boot * Pitch *Pitch Pocket * Pitched Roof * Plain Concrete * Plank Deck * Plastic Cement * Plastic Film *Plasticity * Plasticity Number * Plasticizer * Plastisol * Plastomeric * Plastometer * Plaza *Plumb * Plumb Bob * Ply * Ply Adhesion * Ply Laminate Strength * Podium * Point Weight * PointingTrowel * Poisson's Ratio * Polyamide Resins * Polyblended * Polybutadiene * Polychloroprene *Polyester * Polymer * Polymer Chain * Polymer Crystallization * Polymerization * Polyurethane *Ponding * Pop-Up * Porosity * Portico * Portland Cement * Post Cure * Pot Life * Pour or Pour Coat* Pourable Sealer * Powdered Rubber * Prefabricated Membrane * Prefabricated Roofing System *Preload * Primer * Principals * Processing * Profile * Promenade * Proof Stress * ProportionalLimit * Protection Board * Protective Colloid * Pullout Force * Pullover * Pullthrough * Pump *Purlin * Pushout Force * Queen Post Truss * R-Value * RIEI * RMS&T * Radiative Cooling * Radome *Rafter * Ragging Method * Raggle Block * Rake * Raspberry * Rate of Cure * Re-entrant Corner *Rebound Test * Recovery * Reflectivity * Reglet * Reinforcement * Relative Humidity * RelativeModulus * Relaxation * Reroofing * Resilience * Resin * Retarder * Rheology * Rheometer * Rib *Ribbon Course * Ribbon Stock * Ridge * Ridging * Rise * Roll Roofing * Roll Tile * Roof * RoofBoards * Roof Bolting * Roof Brackets * Roof Divider * Roof Guard * Roof Hatch * Roof Jack * RoofSlate * Roof Terminal * Roof Tree * Roofer's Pitch * Roofing * Roofing Copper * Roofology * Rosin *Rosin Sized Sheathing * Rubber * Run * Rupture Resistance * Rupture Strength * S-N Diagram * SAM *SBCC * SBR * SBS * SEBS * SMACNA * SPI * Saddle * Safety Harness * Sag * Sand Blasting * SandwichBoard * Saturant * Saturated Felts * Saw Tooth * Scaffold or Scaffolding * Scraper * Screed * Screw* Scrim * Scupper * Scuttle * Seal * Seal Cap * Seal Down or Positive Seal Down * Sealant * Sealer* Sealing a Vent * Seam * Seasoning * Self-Adhering Membranes * Self-Curing or Self-Vulcanizing *Self-Healing * Self-Ignition Temperature * Self-Spacing * Selvage * Selvage Edge or Selvage Joint *Separation Sheet * Serrated * Service Temperature Limits * Shadow Course * Shake * Shark Fin *Shear * Shear Modulus * Shear Pull * Shear Strength * Sheathing * Sheathing Paper * Shed Roof *Shedding * Sheet * Sheet Rubber * Shelf Aging * Shelf Life * Shingle * Shingling * Shore Hardness *Shoulder * Shrinkage * Side Lap * Side Shear * Side Tear * Sieve * Silica Gel * Silicone Rubber *Single Course * Single Ply Membrane * Skater's Cracks * Skein * Skimming * Skinning or SkinningOver * Skydome * Skyhook * Skylight * Slag * Slag Stop * Slate * Sleeper * Slip Sheet * Slippage *Slop Sheet * Slope * Smoke Pipe * Smooth Surfaced Roofing * Snow Guard * Soffit * Softening Point *Softening Point Drift * Soil Stack * Solar Radiation * Solvent * Solvent Cleaners * Solvent Welding* Spalling * Span * Specific Gravity * Specification * Spikes * Spire * Splice * Splicing Tape *Split Sheet * Splitting * Splitting Resistance * Spray Pond * Spread or Spread Coating * SpringRubber * Springback * Springing Line * Spud or Spudder * Spunbond Polyester Mat * Square * Squared-Up * Squeegee * Stabilizer * Stack Effect * Stack Venting * Stair-Step * Standardization *Standards * Stapling * Starter Course * Starter Strip * Steep Asphalt * Steeple * Step Flashing *Stiffness * Straight-Up Method * Strain * Strain Energy * Strain Rate * Strain Relaxation *Strainer * Strapping * Straw Nail * Strawberry * Stress * Stress Amplitude * Stress Plate * StressPlate Set * Stress Ratio * Stress Relaxation * Stress-Strain Diagram * Stress-Strain Ratio * StripFastener * Stripper * Stripping * Strut * Styrene Butadiene Rubber * Sublimation * Substrate * Sump* Surface Active Agent * Surfacing * Surfacing Screeds * Surfactant * Synthetic Rubber * System *T-Seam * THF * TSF * TSL * Tab * Tack * Tackifier * Tacticity * Tail * Tail Piece * Talc * TangentModulus of Elasticity * Tanker * Tapered Edge Strip * Tapered Insulation * Tar * Tarbuck Knot *Tear Resistance * Tear Strength * Tearoff * Tectum * Tedlar * Temperature Rods * Tenacity * TensileFatigue Resistance * Tensile Set * Tensile Strength * Tensile Stress * Tensile Stress at GivenElongation * Tension * Tension Impact Test * Tension Set * Tension Test * Tenting * Termination *Termination Bar * Tern * Terpolymer * Terrace Deck * Test Cut * Tetrahydrofuran * Textile * Thatch* Thermal * Thermal Black * Thermal Insulation * Thermal Shock * Thermal Stabilizer * ThermalStress * Thermocouple * Thermoplastic * Thixotropy * Throat * Tie-In * Time for Rupture * Tin Caps* Titanium Dioxide * Toe Board * Toggle Bolt * Tolerance * Tongue and Groove * Top Coat or Top Pour* Torch Welding * Torque * Torsion * Torsion Test * Torsional Deformation * Torsional Modulus ofElasticity * Torsional Strain * Torsional Strength * Torsional Stress * Totally Adhered * Traffic *Traffic Board * Transition * Trim * Trimmer * Truncated Roof * Truss * Tuck Pointing * Twist * Two-Part Compound * U Factor * UL * UL 1479 * UTI * Ultimate Elongation * Ultimate Strength *Ultracentrifuge * Underlayment * Underside Wind Pressure * Underwriters Laboratories * Upside DownRoof * Urea-Formaldehyde Resins * Urethane Foam * Utilized * Valley * Valley Gutter * Vapor * VaporBarrier * Vapor Migration * Vapor Permeability * Vapor Permeance * Vapor Pressure * VaporResistance * Veneer * Vent * Venting Layer * Verge * Verge Board * Vermiculite * VerticalApplication * Vinyl Polymerization * Viscoelastic * Viscometer or Viscosimeter * Viscosity * Viton* Vitreous Tile * Volatility * Volclay * Volume Cost * Vulcanizate * Vulcanization * Walk On *Walking In * Walkway * Wall Plate * Warp * Warranty * Waste * Water Absorption * Water Cut-OffMastic * Water Guard * Water Resistance * Water Trough * Water Vapor Barrier * Water VaporPermeance * Waterproof * Waterproofing * Weather * Weather Blister * Weatherability * WeatheringApparatus * Weep Hole * Wet Bulb Thermometer * Wet Strength * Wet-Bulb Temperature * Wide SelvageRoofing * Wind Load * Wind Uplift * Working Drawings * Wrinkled Ply * Wrinkling * X-ray Diagram *X-ray Spectroscopy * Yield Point * Yield Point Elongation * Yield Strain Elongation * YieldStrength * Yield Value * Young's Modulus * Zerk * Zoning